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Whois Search engine for domain names and IP addresses

This Whois search engine can give you informations about an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) or a domain name. With it, you can:
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This script can be freely used for manuel requests and personal use. Any integration in a commercial product (either paid or not), or any use out of a web browser is forbidden without the express permission of the webmaster. Automated requests are forbidden. All abuse attitude 'll be able to lead to restrictions. You must accept this usage policy to use this website.

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Help on the IP addresses queries

Type an IP address (v4 ou v6) in the form at the left and click on the Search button. You'll obtain the informations contained in the Whois databases for this IP address.
You can also type a domain name (webtools.eu.org) or an URL (http://www.webtools.eu.org/). The typed data will be automatically treated, then resolved to obtain the corresponding IP address. The search will be made on the determined IP address.

An IPv4 address is composed with 4 numbers between 0 and 255 separated by a dot (exemple :
An IPv6 address is composed with 8 elements of 4 hexadecimal characters, separated by the semi-colon character « : » (exemple : fe80:0db8:0000:85a3:0000:0000:ac1f:8001).

You could not obtain personal informations (postal address, phone number, name, ...) of the user of an IP address here, these informations are only held by his ISP and are only supplied to official authorities.

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Help on the domain names queries

Type a domain name in the form at the right and click on the Search button. You'll obtain the informations contained in the Whois databases for this domain name. A domain name (webtools.eu.org) is composed by a domain (webtools) and an extension (.org, .fr, .com).
Vous can also type a URL (http://www.webtools.eu.org/). The typed data will be automatically treated, then resolved to obtain the corresponding domain name (notice that for technical reasons, a search from a URL is possible only for addresses that begin by « http://www » or by « https://www ». A URL that begin from « http://forum » for example won't work.).

You can do a classical search or select a specific Whois server (the classical search choose the Whois server with the extension of the searched domain name, a request with a specific Whois server is useful only if the the Whois server couldn't be determined automatically or to use a third-party server), either by choosing a Whois serveur in the list, or by chossing a « personalized Whois server » and typing the address of the Whois server on which you want to do the request.

Vous couldn't obtain any information (postal address of his owner or others) from an e-mail address here!!

List of referenced extensions

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List of referenced domain name extensions

The non referenced extensions generally don't have any available Whois server. The list is frequently updated.

  • ac, ac.uk, academy, accountants, ad, ads, adult, ae, aero, aeroport.fr, af, africa, ag, agency, ai, airforce, alsace, alt.za, am, amsterdam, android, app, ar, archi, army, arpa, art, as, asia, asn.au, associates, at, au, auction, avocat.fr
  • band, bar, bargains, be, berlin, best, bg, bi, bid, bike, bio, biz, bj, bnpparibas, bo, boo, boutique, br, br.com, brussels, builders, by, bz, bzh
  • ca, cab, cam, camera, camp, capital, car, cards, care, careers, cars, cash, cat, catering, cc, center, cf, ch, chambagri.fr, cheap, chirurgiens-dentistes.fr, chrome, church, ci, city, cl, claims, cleaning, click, clinic, clothing, cloud, club, cn, cn.com, co, co.uk, co.za, codes, coffee, com, com.au, community, company, computer, condos, construction, contractors, cool, coop, corsica, credit, creditcard, cruises, cx, cymru, cyou, cz
  • dad, dating, day, de, de.com, deals, delivery, dental, dev, diamonds, diet, digital, direct, directory, discount, dk, dm, do, domains, download, durban, dz
  • eat, edu, education, ee, email, energy, engineering, enterprises, equipment, es, esq, estate, eu, eu.com, eu.org, eus, events, exchange, expert, experts-comptables.fr, exposed
  • fail, family, farm, fashion, fi, film, finance, financial, fish, fitness, flights, florist, fly, fm, fo, foo, foundation, fr, free, fun, fund, furniture
  • gallery, game, games, gb.com, gb.net, gbl, gd, geometre-expert.fr, gf, gg, gi, gifts, gl, glass, global, gmail, goog, google, gov, gq, gr, graphics, gratis, green, gripe, group, gs, guide, guru, gy
  • help, here, hk, hm, holdings, holiday, host, hosting, hotmail, house, how, hr, ht, hu, hu.com
  • icu, id, id.au, ie, il, im, immo, in, industries, info, ing, institute, insure, int, international, investments, io, ir, is, it
  • je, jobs, jp, jpn.com
  • ke, kg, kitchen, kr, kz
  • la, land, lc, lease, leclerc, legal, lgbt, li, life, lighting, limited, limo, link, live, loan, loans, lol, london, lt, ltda, lu, luxe, luxury, lv, ly
  • ma, maison, management, marketing, md, me, medecin.fr, media, meme, mg, mk, ml, mn, mo, mobi, money, monster, mov, mp, mq, ms, mu, museum, mx, my
  • na, name, nc, net, net.au, network, new, news, nf, ng, ninja, nl, no, no.com, notaires.fr, nu, nz
  • om, one, online, org, org.au, org.za, ovh
  • paris, partners, parts, pe, pf, pharmacien.fr, photo, photography, photos, pics, pictures, pizza, pl, place, play, plumbing, pm, poker, port.fr, post, pr, press, pro, productions, prof, properties, pt, pw
  • qa, qc.com, quebec
  • radio, re, recipes, red, reisen, rentals, repair, report, rest, rip, ro, rocks, rs, rsvp, ru, ru.com
  • sa, sa.com, salon, sarl, sc, schule, science, se, se.com, se.net, search, services, sexy, sg, sh, shoes, shop, si, singles, site, sk, sl, sm, sn, so, solar, solutions, soy, space, st, store, su, sucks, supplies, supply, support, surgery, sx, sydney, systems
  • tax, tc, team, tech, technology, tel, tf, tg, th, tienda, tips, tk, tl, tm, tn, today, tools, top, tours, town, toys, tr, training, travel, tv, tw, tz
  • ua, ug, uk, uk.com, uk.net, university, us, us.com, uy, uy.com, uz
  • vacations, vc, ve, ventures, veterinaire.fr, vg, viajes, video, villas, vision, vn, vodka, voyage
  • wales, watch, web.com, web.za, website, wedding, wf, wiki, win, work, works, world, ws, wtf
  • xxx, xyz
  • youtube, yt
  • za, za.com, zip, zone

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Changement d'adresse / Website moving

Le site a déménagé vers un nouvel hébergeur. Par la même occasion, il a changé d'adresse. Il est désormais accessible à l'adresse https://www.webtools.eu.org/whois/. Pensez à changer vos favoris et surtout aux moteurs de recherche que vous avez pu ajouter à votre navigateur !

The website has moved to a new hoster. By the same, the address has changed. you can access to it with the following address: https://en.webtools.eu.org/whois/. Don't forget to modify your bookmarks and you search engines if you added them to your browser !

What do you want to search ?

Informations about an IPv4/IPv6 address
[ How to use the search ? ]

Domain name or IPv4/IPv6 address to search :

Copy my IP address to the search :

Antispam question (necesary) : Remove 2 from 3 and type the result in digit

Informations about a domain name
[ How to use the search ? ]

Domain name to search :

Antispam question (necesary) : Remove 2 from 3 and type the result in digit

Do not connect to the additional Whois server (check this checkbox if the additional whois server don't show the desired informations)

Get DNS records for this domain

Subdomain / Launch the search on the two last elements of the typed text

Note : if you have typed a subdomain (forum.domainname.fr), a free domain name ith double extension (xxxx.eu.org), or if your search doesn't return any results, check the above Subdomain checkbox before to launch the search to make a search on the basis domain (domainname.fr) (doesn't function with the official double extensions as .asso.fr, .gouv.fr, .co.uk, ...).

You must type a domain name or an IP address before to valid the form !

D'autres services gratuits sur https://www.webtools.eu.org/.

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Whois Search 2.1.6
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